



an if

bent open place covered with grass

bid offered

chase hunting ground

clomb old past tense of climb

corse corpse

croft small plot of land

drouth dryness

entreat treat

envermined full of noxious creatures.这个词似乎没有其他记录。

fell hide

flittermouse bat

forhungered starved

frith wood,woodland

frore very cold

glamoury magic,enchantment

haggard (of hills)wild

haply perhaps

hem and hedge enclose and fence off

howe burial mound,barrow

inane empty

lave wash

leeches physicians

let hinder:their going let ‘hinder their passing’

like please(in doth it like thee?

limber supple

march borderland

neb beak,bill

nesh soft,tender

opes opens

parlous dangerous

pled old past tense of plead

quook old past tense of quake

rede counsel

rove past tense of rive ‘rend,tear apart,cleave’

ruel-bone ivory

runagate deserter,renegade

scullion kitchen drudge

shores supports

sigaldry sorcery

slot track of an animal

spoor the same as slot

sprite spirit

sylphine of the nature of a sylph(a spirit inhabiting the air).这个形容词没有记录。

swath (space left after passage of a mower)track,trace

tarn a small mountain lake

thews bodily strength

thrall a slave,one who is in bondage(thraldom)

trammelled hampered,impeded

unkempt uncombed

viol a stringed instrument played with a bow

weft woven fabric

weird fate

weregild (Old English)the price set upon a man in accordance with his rank

whin gorse

wolfhame wolfskin

woof woven fabric

would wished
