




注 释


[2]Joseph Nye, Bound to Lead:The Changing Nature of American Power,New York: Basic Books, 1990.(该书也有中文版,书名是《美国注定要领导世界吗?》。——译者注)

[3]John Mearsheimer, “Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War, ”International Security 15 (1990), pp.5—56.

[4]Bill Clinton, “China's Opportunity, and Ours, ”New York Times, September 24, 2000, op-ed section.

[6]特别见Lloyd Gruber, Ruling the World:Power Politics and the Rise of Suprnational Institutions,Princeton University Press, 2000。

[7]特别见Helen Milner, “Rationalizing Politics: The Emerging Synthesis of International, American and Comparative Politics,” International Organization,Vol.52,No.4,Fall 1998,pp.119—146。本册《国际组织》特刊上的文章后来汇编成书,见Peter Katzenstein, Robert Keohane, and Stephen Krasner, eds.,Exploration and Contestation in World Politics,Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999。米尔纳教授对研究国际关系—比较政治之间联系的论著,作了基本的评述。

[8]对研究国际制度影响的论著所作的评论文章,可参考Lisa Martin and Beth Simmons, “Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions,” International Organization,Vol.52,No.4,Fall 1998,pp.89—119。该篇文章收在卡赞斯坦等人编辑的一本书中,见上引书。米歇尔是研究国际制度影响的先驱者,见Ronald Mitchell, Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea:Environmental Policy and Treaty Compliance,Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994。最近从定量角度研究国际制度成功影响多边经济制裁的优秀论文,见Daniel W. Drezner, “Bargaining, Enforcement and Multilateral Economic Sanctions: When is Cooperation Counterproductive?”International Organization,Vol.54,No.1,Winter 2000,pp.73—102。

[9]Anne-Marie Slaughter Burley, “International Law and International Relations Theory: A Dual Agenda, ”American Journal of International Law, Vol.87, No.2, April 1993, p.219.

[10]最近,有一系列文章试图在制度主义的框架下理解合法化问题,见Judith Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert Keohane以及Anne-Marie Slaughter为《国际组织》2000年夏季号54卷第3期所编的《合法化与世界政治》特刊。