

中国轰炸机机组人员将来也会加入轰炸日军的行列中去,为空中轰炸而准备的地面工作则是美国的空军学校,比方说这里的罗锐基地。图中三名中国学员正在课上实际操作轰炸瞄准器。左起为:来自密苏里州圣路易斯的教授轰炸瞄准器维护的教官乔治·切赫下士,三名学员分别为张中尉、约翰·温中尉、拉瑞·陈(Larry Chen)中尉。这天(1944年1月25日),中国的同胞们可能已经开始欢庆农历新年了,而在这里,美国空军学校的中国学员们正忙于训练,无暇过节。

Chinese bombardiers will in the future line up the cross-hairs of the bomb sights on hundreds of Jap targets,and much of the ground work for these operation is being laid in American air force schools,such as at Lowry.Here are three Chinese student at the field being instructed in the workings of abomb sight.Left to right:Corp.George F.Cech,from St.Louis and an instructor in bomb sight maintenance,and Lieuts.W.T.Chang,John Wen and Larry Chen.Oldsters in China may have celebrated today(Jan.25)as Chinese New Year,but Chinese students in the AAF training command schools here were too busy to observe the occasion.
